Gurudwara Bindrakh Sahib - a Sikh pilgrimage in Punjab, India

Gurudwara Bindrakh Sahib is located in the North Indian state of Punjab, and is an important pilgrimage for the Sikhs from the region and beyond. Located at a distance of only about 30 kilometers from the state's Chandigarh, it's easily accessible and you can drive here in less than an hour, provided there are no traffic jams.

Gurudwara Bindrakh Sahib punjab india
Gurudwara Bindrakh Sahib
Gurudwara Bindrakh Sahib punjab india
The upper story of the Gurudwara
Gurudwara Bindrakh Sahib punjab india
Gurudwara from outside, the langar if to the left
Gurudwara Bindrakh Sahib punjab india
Another view of the beautiful Gurudwara

I was at Bindrakh to capture life in a weekly village flea market and it was absolutely out of question to go back without a visit to the gurudwara which was located right next to the market. Also it was already afternoon and so we also decided to eat our lunch at the langar. As expected the food was simple yet very fulfilling. For those who do not know, a langar is a community kitchen and dinning area which is present with every single gurudwara in the world, and it serves food to everyone and there are no charges for it. Whether it's the Golden Temple in Amritsar, or Hemkund Sahib in the Himalayas, or even the one in old town Barcelona, each one serves food. Many Sikhs, and often others too, consider volunteering at a langar  an important part of the pilgrimage.

The village Bindrakh is not just famous for the Gurudwara, but also for Surjit Bindrakhia, a famous Punjabi singer. In fact he is so famous that he is also often known as the greatest voice of Bhangara, which is no mean feat!

Gurudwara Bindrakh Sahib punjab india
Symbol of Sikhism - Khanda
Gurudwara Bindrakh Sahib punjab india
That's my friend wandering around...
Gurudwara Bindrakh Sahib punjab india
The beautiful green fields around
Gurudwara Bindrakh Sahib punjab india
Right on top of the Gurudwara...

Also if you are in Bindrakh already, drive down to a nearby village Manakpur Sharif and visit the famous dargah of Sharif Hazrat Hafiz Muhammad Moosa Chishti Saabri. Trust me, you won't regret this visit at all :)


  1. Beautiful pics,looks like a very serene place,thanks for sharing

    1. You are welcome Ani...I am glad you enjoyed the post :)

  2. The photographs keep getting better.

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  4. Photos are great and thank you for writing about your visit. 👍


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